
Magda Petrescu


Edit 02-sept-2024 : Formalitatile de dupa deces au durat mai mult decat ar fi trebuit si inmormantarea s-a facut azi, la cimitirul Bellu din Bucuresti.

Joi, 29 aug 2024, s-a stins din viata Mihaela Penes , în anonimat, ultimii ani din viața petrecându-i între mănăstire și un azil de bătrâni din București . Celor foarte putini care stiau unde se afla li s-a cerut discretie si acestia au respectat-o. Jurnalistul Inocentiu Voinea a publicat vestea pe Facebook.

Moartea părinţilor, iar apoi a soţului, într-un interval scurt de timp, au reprezentat un şoc pentru Mihaela Peneş. Pensionată, ea a decis să se îndepărteze nu numai de sport, ci şi de lume.

După retragerea din activitatea competițională a fost antrenor, apoi antrenor federal în cadrul Federației Române de Atletism (FRA), după care a devenit secretar general adjunct al FRA. Din 1990 a lucrat la Comitetul Olimpic Român (COR), iar din 1995 a devenit șef al compartimentului internațional al COR. În perioada ianuarie – aprilie 1999 a fost secretar general al COR.

I s-a acrodat titlul de Maestru Emerit al Sportului, iar în anul 2000 i-a fost conferit Ordinul național „Pentru Merit” în grad de ofițer.

Cătălina Ponor și Bogdan Jianu s-au căsătorit  religios, la un an distanță de la cununia civilă. Cei doi și-au unit destinele într-o biserică din Manasia, județul Ialomița.Tripla campioană olimpică și regizorul Bogdan Jianu și-au botezat fiul tot sâmbătă, 8 iulie, în aceeași biserică.

 Domeniul Manasia / Conacul Hagianoff – un monument de arhitectură unic pentru zona Urzicenilor, a fost construit la începutul anului 1899 în stil eclectic cu elemente de arhitectură clasice și romantice, după planurile unui arhitect elvețian. Conacul a fost construit la cererea lui Ion Hagianoff – fost ministru de externe bulgar, refugiat în Principatul Românesc din motive politice.

Steliana Nistor, prin a cărei bunăvoință avem parte din frumoasele fotografii prezentate mai sus, a fost unul din oaspeții de seamă ai evenimentului, alături de Mariana Bitang, Octavian Bellu, Andreea Răducan, Monica Roșu, Sandra Izbașa, Anca Bucur (6x MissFitnessUniverse WorldFitnessChampion) , actrița Carmen Tănase și mulți alții.

1963 – The First Flight

On 16 June 1963, the press reported on the first woman to fly into space. Valentina Tereșkova made history. She remains to this day the only woman to have flown solo in space and the youngest female cosmonaut.  

       In Romania, in June 1963, a little gymnast from Lugoj took part in the first National Championships for children, taking her flight to great performance, and in just 10 years she was flying on apparatus at the European Championships in London where she won three important medals for Romania.

      60 years have passed since the first Camp. National Championships for children – a lifetime dedicated to Romanian gymnastics. Thank you, Alina Goreac.
Artistic Gymnastics – The Ultimate Sport by the amazing Eileen Langsley

A sports photographer for over 35 years, Eileen Langsley has covered 12 Olympic Games and numerous major events in a wide variety of sports. Specializing in Gymnastics, Figure Skating, Women’s Sports and Olympic Sports her work has been featured in many magazines and books. She was the official photographer of the International Gymnastics Federation and the UK Women’s Sports Foundation for 20 years.

Areas of Expertise

All sporting activities. Eileen Langsley has received recognition and International awards for her photography and work in the promotion of sports for women.

Professional Affiliations

National Union of Journalists
Sports Journalists Association
International Sports Press Association (AIPS)
Life member British Gymnastics
Honorary Life Member International Gymnastics Federation
International Award winner International Gymnastics Hall of Fame.

About the Book

This is a highly illustrated book that celebrates the beauty and excitement of competitive Artistic Gymnastics, through the medium of photography and also through the words of the author as well as those of gymnasts, coaches, and officials. Images captured during a career spanning over 45 years illustrate the essence of this unique sport and feature gymnasts from all over the world This is not a book that focuses on the stars of the sport or specific events but one which celebrates the sport itself and all those qualities that truly make it the ‘Ultimate Sport.’

Author website

Romanian athlete Sabrina Maneca Voinea on Saturday won two gold medals, on beam and floor, at the 2023 Doha Artistic Gymnastics World Cup in her first competition as a senior gymnast.

At 15, the reigning European junior vault champion won the floor final with 13.600 points, followed by Japanese Chiaki Hatakeda, with 12.900, and Australian Breanna Scott, with 12.800, according to a social media post of the Romanian Gymnastics Federation (FRG), according to

In the beam final, Voinea, coached by her mother, Camelia, and Cristian Moldovan, scored 13.766. The silver went to the Ukrainian Anna Lashchevska, 13.333, while the bronze went to the German Emma Leonie Malewski, 13.233.

Compatriot Andrei Muntean ranked fourth in the men’s parallel bars, having scored 14.633 points.

On Friday, in her first final, Voinea finished 5th on vault.

The Romanian gymnasts, who started the competitive season in Qatar, were accompanied by coaches Camelia Voinea, Marius Berbecar, and Gerard Speerstra.

As many as 154 gymnasts participated in the 15th edition of the World Cup in Doha.

Abba transversa. Credit: Volker W. Framenau

Spiders of the family Araneidae are known for building vertical orbicular webs to catch prey. They can be easily identified by their eye pattern, the abdomen normally overlapping the carapace, and complex genitalia. The family currently has 188 genera and 3,119 species worldwide.

Two scientists from Murdoch University in Perth (Australia), Dr. Pedro Castanheira and Dr. Volker Framenau, have described a new spider genus of Araneids following a comprehensive study of orb-weaving spiders found in Australian zoological collections. They named it after one of their favorite bands, the Swedish pop group ABBA, paying tribute to the band members Agnetha Fältskog, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson, and Anni-Frid Lyngstad.

The band’s “songs and subsequent musicals ‘Mamma Mia!’ (2008) and ‘Mamma Mia—Here We Go Again!’ (2018), provided hours of entertainment for the authors,” they explain in their study, which was published in the journal Evolutionary Systematics.

The new genus is composed of a relatively small single species (3-4 mm), Abba transversa (Rainbow, 1912), whose specimens are currently known from the coastal area of New South Wales and Queensland. It is differentiated from other species within the family by the presence of two dark spots in the middle of abdomen and by the thick macrosetae on the first pair of legs of the males.

Abba transversa (Rainbow, 1912) comb. nov., female (QM S88101). A, dorsal habitus; B, ventral habitus; C, epigyne, ventral view; D, internal genitalia, ventral view; E, internal genitalia, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1 mm (A, B); 0.1 mm (C, D, E). Credit: Evolutionary Systematics (2023). DOI: 10.3897/evolsyst.7.98015

The description comes after 15 years of scientific work, with the researchers looking at 12,000 records in Australian museums and overseas collections.

“Describing new taxa is vital for conservation management plans to assess biodiversity and protect forest areas across Australia,” says study author Dr. Pedro Castanheira. “Currently, 80% of Australian spider species are unknown, and many of the described ones are misplaced in different genera like Abba transversa used to be.”

More information: Pedro de S. Castanheira et al, Abba, a new monotypic genus of orb-weaving spiders (Araneae, Araneidae) from Australia, Evolutionary Systematics (2023). DOI: 10.3897/evolsyst.7.98015

Provided by Pensoft Publishers

Născută în data de 19.07.1948, în municipiul Craiova, Argentina Menis a fost medaliată cu argint la proba de aruncare a discului la Jocurile Olimpice de la München 1972.
În anii următori a obținut de asemenea rezultate remarcabile la Universiada din 1973 (loc 2), Campionatul European de la Roma din 1974 (loc 2), Universiada din 1975 (loc 2) și Jocurile Olimpice de la Montreal din 1976 (locul 6).
În anul 2000 i-a fost conferită Medalia Națională „Serviciul Credincios” Clasa I, iar în anul 2004 a primit Meritul Sportiv Clasa I.
Înmormântarea va avea loc luni, la cimitirul Bellu catolic.
Condoleanțe familiei! Dumnezeu să o ierte și să o odihnească!

Sursa: CS Dinamo Bucuresti